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Alim gasped and let his healing stop, panting. “I’ve no idea if anything I did helped.” He and the healer held a brief, whispered conversation I couldn’t follow, something to do with life force and energy, and then Anders was the one healing the elf.“So this is what I looked like?” I whispered, tucking myself between Alistair and Aedan.My husband wrapped his arm around my shoulder while Aedan gripped my hand hard, eyes wide. “Worse, ” Alistair replied; I felt Aedan shudder. “You seized for. I started flirting with Aryan in front of him. I could see how pissed off he was. It got to a point where Aryan and I were exchanging adult pleasantries in front of Vivaan, and the rage was visible on his face. My test was successful.So I decided to end it right there. Aryan got an urgent call, so he had to leave. He tried to exchange numbers, but I refused cheekily. Vivaan was really mad at me. I could see it, but I ignored him.I ordered a few drinks for us. Since I don’t have a good capacity,. then manhandle me and pull me right up to you by grabbing me by the back of my neck. Now we are face to face & i try to turn my budy to break from your grasp & i throw my arms up to try an break your grasp on me, and all my efforts didnt even faze you. so i am now in complete shock, bewilderment & awe at how fucking Strong & in Total Control of this situation you are. In a deep, don't fucking disobey me bitch, Voice you order me to open up my mouth. i start to object but you immediately. I already know she is so proud of you. Look at what you have accomplished in one week. I am blown away by what you have done. She is looking down from heaven smiling at her baby girl, knowing that you will survive, and grow into the person she wanted you to be.’ In the midst of her crying she screamed at me, ‘Why wouldn’t she listen to you? She was so smart and so giving, but she would not leave the man that abused her. Why, Uncle Even, why wouldn’t she leave that son of a bitch?’ ‘Delicious,.
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