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Kelli sat cross-legged next to Mike leaning against him with her head resting on his shoulder. Sitting like this meant her pussy was open and visible to all three of the friends who were sitting opposite.'Now what do you normally do on a Friday together, I don't want to disrupt everything.'Mike said 'well the most common thing is sitting around talking about girls, and how we would each get a girlfriend.'Kelli said to Mike 'well you had better not tell them how you got a girlfriend, ' as she. He walked around the bed brandishing it, swished it through the air a few times and then smiled. ‘Fascinating. Several drips but somehow I don’t think we need it. We already know that turns you on but I think I’ll save it for now and give it to Ralph... Ah there we are again, four drips. Yes, Ralph wins again. Oh, even more. A pity I can’t turn that into some sort of wall chart.’ He put the crop back in the box and began to undo the cuffs on her legs, then collapsed the telescopic spreader and. You may address me as ‘Professor,’ yes?”She nodded. “What are you working on, Professor?”He sighed. If he could carry this off it would set up his presentation at the next conference. If someone under four feet tall and six or so years old could follow at least the basic outlines of the theory, it could be set out in a fashion that even the most dunderheaded fools on the faculty could not deny they understood.The mentorship begun in that moment continued to the present day when Sophie was. And then she caught sight of the bulge in Jim’s trunks and her face changed in an instant. Jim wasn’t going to need to blindfold her at all. But he had some other surprises in store for Veronica.He held out his hand and she took it, smiling now, a look of lust on her face.“Is it really 12 inches?”“No, actually, it’s 14.”“Oh my god,” she gasped.Jim laughed again. She had NO idea. His cock, as far as she would be concerned, would be any length he wanted it to be. Her mind belonged to him and he.
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