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I wished to be your Slave until united with you not so long ago and now I want to remain your Slave to the end of my days?.Again a deep feeling of contentment came over me as I lay under the feet of my Mistress, the cruel heel of her boot pressing into my neck, in total submission under her will.?Slave, you deserve to hear your Mistress’ commitment and desires?:?Slave, I will be your most cruel and merciless Mistress and dominate and enslave you utterly under my will until death does us part? . Our tuition sessions continued but we could not anything as my mom had sprained her ankle. She spent her evening walk time at home. She would stay in her room itself but were scared to anything that might get us into trouble. We texted each other and we became very good friends. We used to hang out at the school canteen and talk a lot.At school we did some crazy stuff that could have us suspended from school. Once I entered the ladies washroom without Ankithas knowledge and locked it from. For some reason Ifound myself smiling at him. He invited me in and we made our way to hisbasement. "Would you like something to drink?" he asked me as he opened abeer for himself. How old is this guy, I began to wonder?"How come I've never seen you around school?" I asked him."Oh, do you go to Ocean High? I just graduated myself!" Holy Jesus, I hadno idea he was that old. He didn't appear to be any older than I was.Where the hell did Darla know this guy from? Darla: I was going to callher on. Nevertheless less his intervention had the effect of spurring on the actual runners who both started to reach the place of no return almost at the same time. This was accompanied by some cheering although someone mentioned that we should keep the noise down. From watching these races before , the routine was that once the cum was spent, if there were two main onanists, each one would have a choice of cleaning the others penis using a hanky or tissue or if preferred taking the flagging member.
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