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Gradually his feet grew sore and his mouth dried from thirst. A few hours later, Scio and the others came back in. Artimus glared at them, but kept silent. He was exhausted from the day’s ordeals and all he could think about was being able to lie down and sleep. They unchained him from the ceiling and led around the back of the stables to the horse hitching post. Hanging from the top of the post was a bucket with a hose coming out of the bottom. He wondered what they were. I hadn't gotten laid in months. I just wanted to fuck. So I headed out to a bar that I had heard was good for hook ups. I got there and saw that the pickings where pretty slim. Any girls that looked to be about my age were already paired with a guy. But there was one hot woman by herself at the bar. I walked over and we chatted a bit. Her name was Lisa. I found out that her and her husband had split a year ago when there son went to college. Her divorce was becoming final this week. I did some. His balls were slamming against her as he pounded into her; their bodies crashing together in a glorious cacophony of grunts, moans, and colliding flesh. “Oh Gawd. Yes! Fuck me James. Fuck me hard!” This was new to Cali, the freedom to scream dirty encouragement to the man fucking her. With James, all of her inhibitions had vanished. She was now free to let go, and completely enjoy the physical pleasures of the moment. It made her feel alive, accentuating all of the sensations coursing. I let him in, but he was a little bit older than the other friends. I told him the prices, and he laid out a brand spanking $20.00 bill. My mouth dropped. He said, thats a start. After I got undressed, he had me undress him, which was new for me, and then he took up my long hair, and told me to kneel at his feet. He was a bit forcefull, and I went to my knees fast. Then before I knew it, his penis was in my mouth. I guess its instinct, or maybe what I had seen on cable, but I starting.
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