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She knew that more was expected of her when his hands moved back and pulled them apart. She pressed her face between them and kissed his asshole directly, parting her lips and caressing it with her tongue. His moan emboldened her and she began to lick it feverishly, finally pushing her tongue inside. “Oh, you’re a very good slave,” he told her as he pushed back onto it. He let her continue for a while then stood up straight again, turned around, and began to fuck her mouth again. Again,. I put the pumps back in and lifted out a pair of red open toe sandals , I had remembered seeing mel a few days earlier wearing them so I lifted 1 to my nose and put the other 1 over my cock and started pumping my cock into it . I was in complete heaven sitting there then I heard pauls voice saying are you ready and he walked in with the yellow dress on , god he fitted well into it , bit tight but still he looked good . I stood up as he walked over to me and could see his hard cock poking. "'specially Daddy," Cathy said, turning to face me. "I bet his eyes will just fall out of his head once he sees how grown up his little girl is... your mommy says that he's got a nice, big dick. Not as big as yours, of course, but bigger than most. I wonder how long it'll take him to get all hard 'n hot 'n horny in his pants? When we sit in the car, and I streeeetch..." she demonstrated for me, pushing her new, melon-sized tits hard against her shirt, the smooth young breast- flesh nearly. I hopped up out of my chair confident in my purpose, but, that didn’t stop me from breaking out into a nervous sweat. Truth be told I was scared shitless, what if he said no? Rolling my shoulders, I took three deep breathes, organized my thoughts and purposely marched into Mr. M’s office. My courage could only take me six steps into his office, before his terrifying gaze stopped me. I almost lost my train of thought under his intense glare. ‘Yes, Miss Tanner? Do you have another property for me.
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