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Held up by two arm shackles. Her neck exhausted could not hold her head up. It fell forward, her long brown stringy soaked hair covering her face. Little pre orgasmic moans emitted from somewhere under the hair. The video was streaming perfectly. All directions were being followed to a tee. As the video was watched the person watching and giving orders rubbed their hard as rock cock. It was so good and controlling barking out orders and having them followed. It was like making their very. .It was a side berth and there… As time passed near Kharagpur people started entering and after a while when the train was about to leave this amazingly gorgeous sexy girl entered and came near my seat and asked if it was my seat knowingly with an evil smile…. I explained her my situation and agreed to let me sit until things settled down…About Naina (name changed): she was like in her early 20’s 36-24-36 / milky white skin/ also she was wearing a baby pink crop top as well as3/4th blue skirt. I think I will leave the two of you, alone, so Frank may enjoy the moments he is inflicting his punishment upon you.’ ‘Thank you, Tony.’ ‘Again, I have no idea what the answer is, so I will guess that it is six hundred feet.’ ‘I am sorry, Antonia, but you are incorrect again. The answer is four hundred and thirty feet. You may now open your computer and check to see if I am lying.’ ‘No Frank, I know you are not lying. I can tell by the look on your face. Where did you learn all this stuff? Why. Bridget looked at Courtney and grinned. "I'll bet you're wondering why this lunatic is sitting out here in the cold eating a sandwich, hmmm?"Courtney was glad she hadn't yet taken a sip of her hot coffee, for she surely would have blown some out her nose. "Uh ... am I that obvious?"Bridget didn't answer the question, but said, instead, "Would you like half my sandwich? I don't think I'm going to eat it all." Uh, no thank you." Probably a wise choice," Bridget laughed. "It isn't the best.
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