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Sometimes Mike joined in the fun other times he stood at the foot of the bed and pleasured himself.Then Mike fucked the slut hard with me still carassing her. Then Mike fucked me hard with the slut still carassing me.Then Mike decided it was time for some anal fun. So he first inserted his dick up the sluts arse whilst he had his tongue down my throat. Then he wanted me and the slut to lie together on the bed carassing and vibrator fucking each other. I sucked the slut's tits and she sucked my. When you questioned me about what I was doing out that late and where the money was going … I got defensive. I manufactured that temper tantrum, thinking it would stop you in your tracks. I was wrong. ‘No one was more surprised than me when you packed up and left, telling me how fed up you were with my antics. I never imagined I could drive you away. I suddenly realized what had happened. How could you do that to me? It was the selfish me, still in control.’ ‘Yeah … that was the message all. Waiting at the other side of the pool, the third lady offered her hand as he climbed out of the pool. She led him into a dressing room. There he was dried with the thickest of white towels. She offered him a pair of black socks. Then came a tux shirt which fell just to his waist all around. Studs and cuff links. She offered him a pair of fine wool pants. She helped with the fitting and suspenders, as these pants came to the waist only on the sides. Both front and back sections above the legs. “Are you questioning our Lord?” Jerry asked him with a raise eyebrow.“Of course not!” Michael retorted.“The test was to see who would be prepared to stand and face a far greater threat to the Earths, not who could get out first,” Jerry replied, ignoring Michael’s comments. “The Guardian would have fed on the souls of all, if freed. Its powers are limited in the labyrinth to doing God’s will.”“I couldn’t let whatever the hell it was out.” I answered. “Oonagh might have won, but at least humanity.
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