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I can take care of myself. I can see you need help and from the way you look, I guess there might be a little danger involved. I'm willing to chance it." I paused and then lowered my voice a little. "Let me give you a ride ... please?"The nod of her head was almost imperceptible. I reached my left boot down and kicked the kick stand down and rested the big bike on the stand. I opened up one of the saddle bags and rummaged around until I found a pair of Crocks I had. I pulled them out and then. After milking the last of his load from him Sarah sat up, licking her lips."Are you ready for some lunch?" she asked. She licked her lips in an exaggerated manner. "I've had mine already, and it was yummy." With a giggle she bounced off the bed, already showered and dressed and skipped from the room. "See ya down stairs, sleepy head." she said as she went through the door.Junior growled in mock anger, bring a laugh from Sarah as she retreated down the hall. He stumbled from the bed, slipped on. Such humiliation! But he had to do that; otherwise the consequences could be quite worse. It was normal phenomena women to make men to serve them directly on the street in all possible manners. Sexually including! So, he knelt, bent himself as lower as it was possible and started to lick. The dust started gritting between his teeth and nasty taste fulfilled his mouth. Meanwhile the woman was looking at him proudly and with obvious pleasure. Few of her colleagues paid attention to her. Val heard it from the bath, where she had just showered, and was gazing at her figure, looking for traces of her pregnancy. She breathed a sigh of relief on detecting no bulge. Not yet, thank God, she thought, and then studied her breasts as they rode high on her chest.She smiled Mona Lisa-like on seeing her nipples extended in arousal at the mere thought of what she would be seeing at the sex show that night. Joe had refused, well to be specific; he had told her he didn't know what they would.
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