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"Snipers view your perimeters. Everyone in the terminal is ready to go, Bobbi." Duck is ready in all respects. Rear gate is open." Mallard is ready. Rear gate is open and guarded."Duck's commander, SJ, came on a bit embarrassed. "Duck's gate is guarded, too."I looked at Shan. "You can try taking. You won't be successful. Even if you are, you will find nothing usable left."His face reddened. He drew his pistol. "You can die." That is true. You might outlive me by seconds." I keyed the mike.. . she was no longer playing an active role ... she had long since been reduced to simply taking my invasion ... and the pleasure that had become pain.I could barely hear her breathless voice, "Please Master ... please ... I cannot take it anymore ... I cannot cum again ... it feels like my mind is breaking."The beast spoke through me, in the cold voice that Sarah must have come to associate as the voice of her Master."Have I taken my pleasure yet slave?"Sarah shook her head slightly against the. ” She said as she was leaving.Being alone again gave me the opportunity to give my cock a rest, read a book and think things over, but after about an hour and a half my eyes felt heavy and I must have been interested to study the insides of my eyelids for a while.I must have dozed off for quite a long time; the sun was at a complete different place than when I started to relax and reading my book. I kept my eyes closed in order to concentrate on my thoughts when I felt someone was looking at. “Oh yeah,” I said. “That could've gone better. We didn't get to the audiobooks, there just wasn't enough time. The illustrations – they're actually pretty cool. I've had a few done, which I really liked overall, some more, some less, but it's generally a cool addition. I just got into trouble when I published those along with the stories. Then it got labelled as 'pornography' and I had to cross my heart and promise that I'll never never ever again do anything so uncouth as this ever again,.
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