Englishsister mp4

Instead of going towards Abad……after atleast 30 min drives….he turn his car on off the high way….on small …single line road….on that road…very less traffic was there……..slowly after moving for another 30 min or something….on that road…almost no one is comeing…and its bit hilly type road…not very hilly…but…river passing…under the bridge…..where Sandip stop his car…and ask me to come out of the car…I had no objections….he point me towards one side..and ask me to go that side….opposite to our. I stopped, halfway through slipping into the robe, "Well, I don't normally" I said, then grinned widely, "But as this is a special occasion, I'd love to drink a toast with you and Mary", then I gulped, and turned a flush coming to my face, "Oh , I'm sorry I hope you didn't mind me calling you Mary' I said.She smiled warmly at me and relaxed into the couch cushions, slipping her legs up and tucking them underneath her, "Of course not" she almost purred, "The official duties are all over now, we. Make sure you take some food and water. I want you to flee back to our great cave bear campsite. I will leave a dozen young hunters back with you, to help with the retreat," I said to Red Hawk.He started to argue with me over this. But I held my hand up."Remember our heritage and what happened to our tribe many moons ago. Thunderbird had to do the same thing to keep the tribe going. I want you to do the same. Keeping our tribe alive, is the number one goal here," I told him with a stern. The leader followed by two others slowly walked towards Tiffany. Tiffany shrugged, slipped off her shawl and her heels and handed them to Jim saying, “Please don’t get involved; just keep walking towards the car, I’ll be there soon.”Jim took her things and retreated a couple of steps, but had no intension of leaving her alone.The leader threw the first punch, a hard roundhouse right, which Tiffany easily evaded. She did the same with the second and third punches, and then threw three lighting.
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