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And mind. When the orgasm had passed, her body was limp and drenched with sweat. For a few moments, I was afraid that I had killed her with pleasure, but then she began to stir. “Did you send the message?” I asked anxiously.“Message?” she replied. “What message?”My heart fell as she looked at me with still glassy eyes and asked in an almost little girl voice, “Was I supposed to deliver a message to someone?”I left her slumped across the pleasure bench and went to check the electronic archives.. I again said “see, I have had sex with both you ladies before. I didn’t wanted to expose these secrets, but I didn’t had any other options. I wanted to fuck you both and as only today was available, the only thing I could think of was this”.I turned to Rosy and said “aunty, I didn’t plan to drop you at your home today. Instead, I thought we three could spend the night together”. They both didn’t approve it. I felt sad but I was adamant to have a threesome and searched ways to make them accept. It’s a wooded area I’m familiar with down by the bayou, and we can park nearby and walk through the woods to find them. And no, I don’t usually wear condoms because those types of birds love being fucked bareback, and even more swallowing the cum.”It was already 9:00 pm by the time we arrived at an unlighted, gravel parking lot near the bayou. There appeared to be eight cars in the lot, but even with a partial moon, it was hard to identify them. We had a flashlight and started down a small. From somewhere inside the rebellion grew and so, when “A”, Alison’, leaned over to grab her Rosewood paddle Aria rolled off Alison’s lap and fell on her sore bottom. While her long brown haired head was turned she kicked the confused young woman several times in the ankle as she rolled on the floor trying to ease the pain in her butt cheeks.Taking advantage of A’s incapacitated state from her kicks, Aria shuffled across the room with her panties crisscrossed around her ankles. She nearly.
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