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WE have in the past played in adult theaters bookstores, BDSM clubs. Swing clubs and have a group of other Master Sub and Mistress Sub group. My wife likes everything except Blood, s**t and permanent marks. We live in the MId Atlantic area and we are looking to explore new avenues of humiliation and use of sub wife. We would love to find a theater to play in since the ones we used to play in Baltimore closed the Earle and Apex. We tried to find a bookstore in New Berlin NJ but we got lost and. I looked into her eyes and asked are u happy with him. She looked up and said financially he is strong but on bed he can do nothing.By this time we were so close that I can feel her shapely breasts on my chest and my fingers were travelling round here waist feeling and sensing her waist line and playing with her panty elastic. She got more near to me looked in my eyes as if requesting to take her in my arms fully and within no time she kept her burning pink lips on mine. I took her upper lip. Luke walked Mary to her home andeven with a set of peering eyes looking out the front door window, hekissed her. Luke was not scared of showing anyone how he felt aboutMary. Being brave did not make him crass or stupid. It was a shortkiss to show respect to their audience.As soon as he was out of sight from Mary's house, Luke dropped playingit cool and started to run home. Even with being free to be open withMary, he still did not want to look like a dork right then. He couldnot wait to tell. When finally the tears fell from her eyes and her blurred visage began to clear what she had been searching for seemed to rise from the matress that lay on the floor the same as the smell of shit rose from the carpet. The room looked the same really under all the brown house sweat that stained the once white walls.Sailor Moon poster and pornagraphic anime images still graced the wall. The computer had changed but still lay open with no outer shell, it's screen bright in the windowless room..
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