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Questions like "what are you wearing?" and "what are you doing today?" tend to put me to sleep, but sometimes I'll find a guy who is very interested in me as I am, which means a small breasted, petite, sneaky, blond, blindfold-loving, particularly oral and sometimes shy girl. And, yeah, married. When a chat is going well we might exchange pics. Guys who are excited by certain pics of me turn me on the most, which means a guy who likes looking at my mouth and thinking how he might feel it. This. I just got to my feet by using the desk. I stood unsteadily and she continued. Her hands moved but they didn't come back for a slap again.It felt like hours later that she kicked me out of her office. She reminded me of Dad a lot now, except he hit harder and hurt me a lot worse.There were people around but not near. They saw me and then seemed to shy away as if I was carrying the plague. I went to Kelly who was at least a little sympathetic. She treated my face and I saw it was going to be. Her eyes opened and she sat up, pulling herself to the back of the cabin in shock. ‘Who are you? Who undressed me?’ ‘I just took your jacket off’ he smirked, ‘you fainted’ she looked at him in horror, ‘you can thank me later’ he said in his strong raspy voice as he stood up, and turned to walk out of the cabin. ‘Wait’ she moved forward to grab the back of his uniform, ‘you forgot your jacket’ she threw him a light smile, with his jacket, ‘thank you’. Her smile was beautiful, he felt like he. I invited her over to my apartment to “Welcome” her to the single life. I had several “Friends with benefits", and was really enjoying my life. She was wanting to explore a little of the wilder side. After twenty plus years in an abusive relationship, she deserved a little “No Strings” fun. The night she came over, I broke every rule I had for myself. First, she was completely stunning! Short shorts, flip flops, low cut tank top, her blonde hair laying across her bronze shoulders. I was about.
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