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He certainly was good looking, Donna thought to herself. Tall and blonde and handsome, he was such a contrast to Steve, who was stocky and dark. Not that Steve wasn't as handsome as Gil was. But Gil had that movie star look that made women melt. Even she had been guilty of flirting with him when he wandered through more than one party, including this one. But that was harmless, she reminded herself. She never went further than just a very casual flirtation. She certainly was never going to do. I washed my face and while wipping my face, I saw Rajesh lying in my bed but now without towel.Wow, his cock is around 7 inches and thick. I feel like go and suck his cock and make him cum on my face. I was so happy to see him naked in my bed but even thought I had some feelings and asked him what he is doing in my bed naked. He didn’t react to that. I came closer to him and asked him again with some high tone.He suddenly pulled my hand and I fell over his body, he kissed me in my lips holding. Fifteen minutes later, dressed in a pair of electric blue nylon-lycra leggings and a sky blue satin sleep-shirt, Jo called Beth to confirm their plans for the following evening. Then, having been informed by Beth that she had seen that 'brother' of hers on both Sunday and earlier that very evening, Jo, playing the part of the ever so curious girlfriend confident, began to make the expected inquires. "So, tell me! Do you think he might be a keeper?" Jo coyly asked as she unconsciously began to. He dare not look down. He was so close to coming. She had opened the laptop."What happens next" she said in her husky voice. He felt the buckle of his belt being undone, then the zipper being pulled down. Her hand felt his clean shaved balls."Commando. " she whispered in his ear as her hand wrapped around his shaft and pulled out his cock. She looked down to see how big his cock was. Dave was well endowed. At Uni his team mates called him The Thorpedo because his surname was Thorpe and his big.
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