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As time goes on I start to notice little sounds here and there. It is really muffled but sounds of voices and footsteps can be made out now and then. Kristen keeps looking around trying to make sense of what’s going on. I so badly want to talk to her but still no words come out. It seems like hours have gone by but its hard to tell with no reference for time. The muffled sounds seem to have died down but quickly the silence in the cell is broken with a loud beep. Both me and Kristen jump and we. The guy after him crammed his entire dick in her ass without concern. She screamed loud but within a couple minutes, she gushed all over the floor. That got everyone's attention, round two began.More than an hour later, the guys cleared out leaving her to clean herself. Her hair was a mess. Her ass and pussy were draining ooze. Her makeup was running. She stood and smiled at me, but couldn't walk. I told her she had to call a cab and left. This made her have to walk out through the bar in front. He didn’t say anything, but I could see the joy on his face.I slowly lifted my t-shirt and released my boobs in front of his face. My boobs were standing firmly, and my nipples were hard. Rahul was looking at them like a kid looks at its favorite toy. I took his hands and put them on my boobs. He started gently feeling my boobs and pinching my nipples.Me: Do you want to taste my boobs?Rahul was looking at me with his big brown eyes. After a few seconds, he nodded in yes. I made him lay down on. I know you want the same thing – but you have other things you want to do to me first. You sit up in the bed and lean your back against the headboard. It still takes my breath away to look at you. Your dark eyes are drinking me in and are filled with lust. You are so beautiful. I take my long tanned legs and wrap them around your waist, locking myself to you. You lazily run your hands down my chest, pinching my already erect nipples as you work your way down. You stop to briefly rub the small.
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