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He abruptly pulls his fingers out of her and pushes his wet index finger into her ass opening her and stretching her hole.He grabs her hips and positions his dick at the entrance of her ass and slowly pushes into her sphincter, her tight little hole opening up little by little the farther he pushes into her bowels. She moans “fuck, that feels so good baby!” She tells him “stop moving, I want to take you the rest of the way inside me” he stops thrusting and holds himself still his dick jerking. I could see the entire front of my body except for the very left part. The video started with me walking away from the camera and sitting in the chair. Soon Pam and her assistant arrived. Her assistant prepped me and then left the room. I could hear the door close. Pam left the view and I heard the door lock. Soon she returned, completely naked. Wow, for an older chick she had an incredible body. She was slim and her body was well toned. She must work out. For her small size she had quite. ..she? "Demie? What does she have to do with this?" Everything, Shepherd, but your part in this has come to an end. Goodbye." The woman turned toward the front door as her compatriots stepped forward, their knives before them.Adrenaline flared anew in Dianna's veins as she rushed forward, snapping the baton out with a flick of her wrist. In her current state she couldn't take these guys through sheer strength, so she'd have to improvise. With her off hand she grabbed a table lamp and threw it. She thought about how her life had changed from when she was Toni’s age. She did in fact sell dirty movies to dirty old men wanting to see school girls getting fucked and taking Bukakke like whores. In only two years she had made enough money to move to the city and rent herself a beautiful apartment overlooking the canal.As she built her business further, she acquired three major porn websites and created her own lesbian porn series called Sisters in Sin. But she also remembered that it wasn’t.
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