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The liquor loosened our inhibitions, and before either of us knew what was going on, we were completely naked and from there, nature simply took over.John quickly fell asleep, or passed out, I don’t really know for sure, which. It had been a great experience, but for whatever reason, I felt guilty, not for having sex, but for leaving out Jim, who was my best buddy.John was dead asleep and there was no waking him up, so I stealthily tip-toed to Jim’s room. I pushed the bedroom door open. I could. I met him first and provided the hidden cameras and we installed everything together. He had the room for the weekend.Saturday my wife was off and I had him call her about meeting for lunch, so they discuss what occurred. She was very nervous and hesitant and said it might not be a good idea. Ed said, "Charlotte, come on girl, please, I have images in my mind and on my camera of what you did, please, lets meet and discuss it at lunch. Tell your husband you are going shopping for the day. Go. I rubbed there curiously, but I did not look, my eyes closed as I felt her pleasure me, her finger deep inside me. She kissed my neck and asked me out loud ‘Anything Baby?’ Lost in my pleasure, ‘Yes, anything.’ I was in a total trance as she slid her finger in and out of me, feeling my breaths come with hers and her kisses over my naked body. With her free hand, she tweaked my left nipple and her finger slid faster. ‘Will you give me your virgin bl**d?’ I moaned incoherently. I loved the. Lights lit up on the radios. The "dual bander" display started to change rapidly. I thought, and learned I was right, that it was scanning frequencies. The HF started up on a frequency. Shirley said, "Thirty-nine seventy. That's a common eighty meter frequency in Georgia." She keyed the microphone and said, "CQ, CQ, eighty meters. This is K4SAA calling CQ and standing by." She flipped the microphone off and, as we listened, she said to me, "That's my call sign. It's a vanity call. Dad got it.
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