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My cock will be out too.” “Alright sounds like a fun night.” was Marks reply as he told me to get on all fours on the bed and suck his dick. I did just that, choking a little from his long 9 inches. My boyfriend helped him with the rest of his clothes before sitting down and taking his own cock out of his pants and rubbing it in pleasure. “Get rough with her, she likes it rough.” was all he said. Mark was quick to comply and he soon grabbed my hair and pulled me off his hard cock. He pushed me. Everything was dust free and neat, and she had a feeling that Susan kept it that way, which fit her perfectly, as she, too, liked things neat and orderly and clean.She looked up and smiled as Susan returned, carrying a bucket of ice with a bottle of wine and two glasses. She sat the bucket down on a large tray and handed Keri one of the glasses."White wine always tastes so good after a hot day of shopping, or working. It helps me to relax and unwind, but that's only as long as I drink it in. I can still kinda see it.”“What do I look like?” I know he’s playing into my fantasy for a moment, but I hear her voice as clearly as his.“Beautiful… She looks beautiful.”“That makes me happy.” He pauses. “Want to make out for a minute?” I pause. “I won’t mind if you close your eyes and pretend that I’m her.”It would be absurd to pass up this offer. “Yes. I’d like that very much.”We are entwined only for minutes, but it feels like longer. It is really wonderful to be with her, even for. I saw a path of rose petals leading to her bedroom and bathroom. There were roses petals strewed across the bed and in tub. Then I could feel her standing behind me her arms pulled me close to her. Her hand pulling my hair to one side so she can place gentle kisses on my neck. Her hands grasped the bottom of my shirt and lifted it up over my head. Then she unzipped my pants, and allowed them to fall to the floor. I looked into the mirror, watched as she moved her hands across my body. Katie's.
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