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I lost all control, my legs started to tremble and my arms flew above my head, as he continued to pound into my impaled cunt. Squirming and moaning from sheer enjoyment I released my love juices around his pistoning cock. Even when I finally regained control, he was still not finished with me, or my swampy hole. My uncle continued to fuck me for the next twenty minutes or so. I learned that if I tightened my muscles down there he felt even bigger. I liked that feeling. I climaxed around his. Christ, he was going to cum any second. A stream of obscenities issued forth from Fran's mouth, obscenities that only served to excite him all the more. At some point during their love-making the young mother and wife had seemed to change, to turn into a free and liberated woman who was not so much being fucked as fucking, and this difference had not escaped Morgan although he was powerless to change it."Oooooohhhh FUCK FUCK!" Fran was unconsciously mimicking her daughter's love cries while she. And on the deck outside my window is a big hot tub. This was great because I could go to bed and peak out my window and watch all that was going on in the hot tub and no one could tell I watching. Most of the time it was the neighbors and I would spy Mrs. Roberts in her tiny bikini and run my wanker. Sometimes though, Mom's best friend would come over and stay the night. They would get pretty drunk and skinny dip. Neither mom or Sally were anything to write home about but they were naked women. Shannon was justbeginning to realize how much power and control turned her on, and shewas soaking wet.While Cameron was trying to process whether or not his arousal at beingfeminized meant that he was gay, Shannon turned on her bedroom stereoand set it to some slow, romantic song he didn't recognize, and slippedon a pair of wedge sandals. She was already taller than him, but sinceCameron was barefoot, she had him by about four inches now."Dance with me, Cammy," she said, not really giving him.
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