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Her tits were more than a handful, nice, big and natural. She was wearing a tight, low-cut black top and a nice long dress with black tight-knit fishnet stockings. I hadn't had sex in months, and I wanted some now. She was fucking hot. So subtly I ran a hand up her leg, "accidentally" lifting up her dress a little. She noticed my hand but not the dress, so I did it again, slowly lifting her skirt up higher and higher. I think she was expecting this night because she was wearing a nice black. She was looking vey sexy , becase after divorce may be nobody was fucking her. She likes me , but it was only upto talking .One day for she had one seminar in mumbai , she told me ,that she will go to mumbai , i used to go to mumbai many times , so she asked to come with her , i told ok. Pinky was also with her , so we three went to mumbai by train , so enjoyed talking both ladies touch their hands to me , so our gap comes close . She planned to take family room in hotel because seminar was for. I didn't want to pry, I thought to myself, as it was none of my business. I did find myself slowing down a little as I passed by her window, and I was rewarded with what sounded like obvious moans of pleasure that seemed to get louder by the minute…and then clear, pleading words:"OOOOOH! YESSSSSS! OHMYGOD, YES!! Oh Jake that feels so good, keep going…keep doing that! OH, YES! YES! YES!! LICK MY HOT FUCKING PUSSY! OH FUCK YES! I'm going to CUM! OHMYGOD, right there! RIGHT THERE!! OH. ”She took a deep breath, kissed him, and walked with confidence to the front of the club and outside. Throughout her walk men, and women, turned and watched as they passed. Outside she let out a deep breath as though she had held her breath the entire way. Down the sidewalk, she turned to him, walked into him and crushed him with her body and lips. Her hand went to his crotch and stroked him through his pants. “My god! You make me so horny! I am so wet I am afraid people could hear my lips.
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