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He ran his tongue over her hot spot one last time. Without warning, Christina's moans reached an overwhelming crescendo as her body tensed and her back arched off the bed. Lucas kissed his way up her chest, allowing her breathing to return to a normal rate. He gently ran his tongue over her neck before crashing his lips against hers, letting her taste herself on him. He began grinding his neglected erection against Christina's bare pussy, a low groan emerging from his throat. He tugged his. Soon she was clawing at his arm, and begging him to fuck her harder. He pushed two more fingers into her slick hole and covered her mouth with his. As their tongues battled he fucked her with a rhythm that her body craved. When she came she was screaming into his mouth and he was aching to bury his cock in the depths of her sex. Pete pressed his forehead against hers and sighed. "You need to dry off and get dressed for supper. I left your clothes out on the bed." Michelle sighed. "Okay," she. Now my wife is tall blonde great body with lovely ass . Now she has not had many lovers before me and we married eaand I was delighted as she was so hot . She is pretty shy in bed and does not believe she is fit anyway we got to turkey a little resort weather was hot on our first night we had a few drinks I mentioned as we were mid sex about her having sex with someone else as I have done in the past she got wet but never said yes or no anyway the next day during breakfast the waiter flirted. His other hand found my nipple and twisted and pinched it, tugging at the distended sensitive nub.I unbuttoned his jeans and dropped them to the floor releasing his hard cock, already oozing pre-cum. I stroked its shaft while caressing its swollen purple helmet as he slipped another finger into me.I gasped and sank down on his probing fingers. My arousal was peaking; I needed him in me now. I wanted to be fucked hard.I pulled his fingers from my pussy and spun around bending over dining room.
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