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"Yeah." I didn't say anything else. An awkward silence filled the room.John cleared his throat as he slid to the edge of his seat, leaned forward and rested his elbows on his knees. "Um, listen, Brody. I know I'm not your dad or anything, but, uh, there's a good chance I might be your father-in-law someday. I'm not trying to replace Derrick—I'm not sure anyone could—but, you know, years ago when you were still peeing in diapers, I promised your dad that if something ever happened to him, I'd. ”I really found that hard to believe, but I did as he asked. His cockhead pushed hard into my ass and I yelped. I thought losing my hymen was painful, but this was even worse. Jeremy pushed my legs as far apart as they would go while his cock entered my ass a bit deeper. He moved slowly at first, and I felt myself being stretched out in a way I did not expect. It was weird how my ass adjusted to the sensation and how I kinda grew to enjoy it.Jeremy began to thrust into me, each time going a bit. “You’re right Dad,” he said with a smile. Pause. “Again!” and both men laughed out loud.So on Saturday found him and his little ones in a different crowded house in Wales. David wondered at the ease with which Evan and Bethan settled with their alternate Grandparents, and how confidently Siân assumed her guardianship rôle over her Godson and his sister.On the Monday Siân joined him in the bedroom while he was packing, having taken on the children’s packing herself.“Dai, bach,” she ventured.. Serves him right as well when they find it in his office’.”David decided to up the stakes, “Your reaction to her arrest on Friday gave me an idea; have you considered corporal punishment? A severe spanking might deter her, especially if it includes a degree of humiliation.”“How do you mean?”“Well, you could spank her bare bottom, hard, and make sure her friends know she has been spanked. Perhaps ask some of them round to watch, even.”“That is a good idea. And it would be more humiliating if a.
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