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His hands were not quite at his sides, but his feet were together and his back was stiff and straight. Sergeant Bruce pushed his son towards me and marched forward to walk around and inspect the Private.“Are you a real soldier?” Sergeant Bruce barked.“Sir, I...” Private Swift started to say“Sir!” Sergeant Bruce shouted. He moved to stand directly in front of Private Swift. “Do I look like an officer to you?”“Sir, no, I mean,” Hank stammered.I could see Hank’s concubines smiling as Robert Bruce. The men looked on with watering mouths. Maryanne was completelynaked and d****d over the lap of the fully dressed Michele. Herjiggling ass was being spanked to a bright shade of red while theclothes she had worn into the office just a short while ago werepiled up on the floor near her briefcase. Her breasts flopped overthe other side of Michele's legs and wobbled obscenely as shewiggled to try to get her ass away from the punishing slaps. On and on, the spanking continued. Each blow resounding. "Oh, hon, did those boys tease you again? They're so rude." Why do they keep calling me a girl, mom? It's so mean! Just 'cause I don't play sports..."In truth, it was more than that -- I just didn't want to admit it to myself.My name's Jake. I'm 18, but you wouldn't think it -- most people take me for 15, tops. I've never had to shave a day in my life -- I barely have leg or arm hair, even, and only a fluffy tuft "down there." To say I didn't play sports was really an understatement -- I'd have. Thinking about my mom sucking cock and wishing it was mine. I finally got to sleep. The next morning I nd woke to breakfast being made by mom I walk into the kitchen and she is cooking and dressed in a short robe but what blows me away is when she bends over to get something out of the fridge I can see she is naked under the robe. I ask her if she had a good time last night and she says it was great as if I didn't know then she says we need to talk. As I'm eating she sets down across from me.
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