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Mmmmmmmmmmmm. Youre a big boy in more ways than one. I said reaching on the other side of me and messaging the other young black muscular boy. I moved my hand up his muscular leg until I felt his huge cock pushing against the thin material of his worn jeans. I thought for a moment his huge cock would rip through his jeans. I felt the head of his cock. His mushroomed shaped cock head was huge. I had two jean covered cocks in my hand. Both big cocks had huge cock heads. Mmmmmm. I believe all you. Cindy arched her back against the pole and held the pole at a point above her head. The flashing lights danced magically upon the sweet juices that were forming on the wondrous feast before me. As I supported her arched body with my hands firmly gripping her butt, I teased her womanly delights with my tongue in ever harder and quicker strokes while her scent mixed with the fresh country air. As I continued my tongue strokes, her juices began to cover my face. As we went around and around, her. I slid my finger up between her legs, spreading her labia I forced my finger into her pussy. "Please, I'm sore, please, stop." She tried to push me away with her bound hands, but she didn't have the strength. "Monique" I scowled down at her, then pushed my finger deeper in her pussy. "Do you want me to make you cum again slut?" I used my thumb to massage her clit. She whimpered softly as I drove my finger to the knuckle. "That was my buddy Jim on the phone, he's going to come over one of these. My 16 year old sister’s ‘sweet and lovely’ friend is a player in our mixed team. And sure enough, it’s his number. Realisation is fairly slow to dawn I must say. ‘Sweet and Lovely’, was not after MY address….Sweet and Lovely was after my SISTER’S address. Bugger. I trudge home finally, to find that, yes ‘Sweet and Lovely’ has sent my sister a valentine’s card, and no, there’s nothing waiting for me. So I settle myself down with a few magazines and start cutting out some lush lads to put on my.
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