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Barely.Caiden nodded and they quickly moved towards the man, stopping once they were within several feet. He was an older man, dressed in poor clothing, smelling unwashed as did all peasants and setting Caiden's stomach to ill ease. There was a cart just several feet away, piled with wood... and a very attractive young woman beside it."Ho... woodcutter." Caiden announced, sneering down at the fool. "Tell us where the wizard of these woods resides." Pardon me sir..." the woodcutter responded,. She lay by my side and put her thigh across my body and caught me in a grip and rubbed herself over my waist.I could see her breathing getting heavy and she took my hand and placed it on her chest. The feeling was like holding a rubber ball, bouncy and nice. She unbuttoned my trouser and reached inside to take my “wee- wee” in her hand and started playing with it. I felt awkward/shy because I realized somehow that this was not right but at the same time I realized that the sensations I was. She was moaning as I slowly bit her hip folds and massaged her tits simultaneously.“Swarna, Shall I have the treasure now?” I asked her. She bent down and kissed my and stood up on the couch. She spread her legs and positioned herself to fix her wet pussy on my mouth. “Enjoy” she said as I started to lick her labia. She arched back in pleasure and started to make slow movements up and down as I started to massage her beautiful cunt with my tongue. It was big and I could feel her salty juices as. A guy stepped out and stood in front of his still light headlights, pulled down his pants and started masturbating. This wa obviously for my benefit being the only other person around! Strangely, as I am in no way gay or bi I found this to be quite erotic. He had a large fully erect cock which was easily visible from the 10 yards or so I was sitting away from him. After a minute or so he pulled up his pants and started over towards my car. After a tap on my window he asked very politely if I.
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