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“Say hello to Miss Kitty.” She giggled.“Um, hi Miss Kitty.” I managed to stammer. I was not feeling talkative at the moment.“Give Miss Kitty a big kiss.” She ordered.Who was I to argue with a medical expert as I tilted my head forward and complied.She then dismounted and moved between my legs to give my now fully engorged member the attention it had been craving. She held my shaft and touched her ruby red lips to the head as her tongue performed what can only be described as sheer magic along. Now I have you in my arms after all and since I’m your slave, you can have me whenever you wish it,” Noelle commented as she pleaded with Lyle to take her again, this time longer than the previous occasion.The next thing that Noelle knew, she was on her belly and Lyle was inside her from behind, a position that he hadn’t taken that often in the past two years, but one which was enjoyable enough in its own right. For the usually submissive (at least in his experience) Lyle, it was heady wine,. Planning what I would say, how I would do it. Trying in my mind to overcome the crippling shyness that beset me whenever I talked to a woman I really wanted. I was a novice then. 18 years old and with only a few rushed and unsatisfying wanks from the inexperienced hands of fellow novices. But this, this was different. Susan was (and still is) my mum's best friend. And for years that was all she was. Nice aunty Susan. Then around about the time I was 14 something changed. I can still remember it. In the fraction of second Amena rolled right and hugged me tightly, BHAI SHAHEB SAVE ME, HUG ME, I’M FEARING. I also hugged her. Her shapely breasts were smashing with my chest and I could feel the softness of the breasts. She also raised her left leg over my waist. I couldn’t avoid the soft touch of her breasts and lost control from my consciousness of carnal desire. My 8” long penis erected soon and became hard like an iron mast and stiffed upwards and touched her crotch and rubbed with her.
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