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At least his wife was under control – at least for the moment. Looking into the future, Pardin predicted that her elfish mind would find some squirmy little loophole in her pledge and bonding to return to her former, bitchy self. He sat up in bed and idly toyed with his morning boner. Adray was stirring beside him and rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.She reached over and grasped his standing stalk. Stroking it lazily, she gave him a lopsided smile and rested her head against his chest. Pardin. His whole attitude was much improved, as was Brenda’s, of course.“Meet Whitney White. That girl over there is Whitney Tavington, of course, and that’s Lola Hamid, just so you know. I love how Ben is adding more and more of our old friends and acquaintances to an already widespread orgy. What’s next, adding celebrities?” Mireya giggled while kissing my chest.“How does Lamar know her?” I asked as I really put my tongue into action, devouring Whitney White’s delicious ass.“Small world, my friend.. "Anyway, sorry to keep you - I don?t supposeyou know who works in this department, do you?" she asked, making myblood run cold."Um..." I began, wondering whether to admit that the member of staff shewas looking for was me."It?s just I?m looking for the Bourjois Rouge Velvet lipstick series andI can?t see it anywhere. They do a colour called Berry Formidable I love.My husband always comments on how gorgeous my lips look when I wear it,and as it?s our anniversary this weekend I wanted to look. It was no good I needed a closer look, I moved over to them and stood at the guys side, he looked at me and said “mmm hello again” he took my drink from my hand and sipped it then handed it back, saying “I needed that my sis hot work”. “I can see that” I saidHere why don’t you have a go, as he pulled back I noticed it was her ass he was fucking, he took my cock in his hand and guided it to his sisters wet open ass, then with a hand on my ass cheek he pushed me in, the hostess did not even look.
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