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He got out of the car and walked around to the front. "Mount it." That was all he said. Just two words. But it was enough to make her heart pulse in excitement. His intent was obvious. It would be inside her. There would be electricity at some point. She didn't know if it would be painful or pleasant - she had experienced both from her Master. She didn't care -- she would do what he wanted. She would do what SHE wanted, which was to obey Him. All these thoughts raced through her mind even as. I went to pull her then her pallu dropped,that was the moment again when my animal instincts were aroused.i took her to her room,she was semiresponsive,she seemed this time not to mind my touching her or was it the drink i dont know,i howered on her to see her brests moving with breath,opening her blowse you all know what i could have done,her tits were bigger than my peanuts ,sucking them was wonderful,caressing down played with her navel,it looked like a well to me from that close distance,i. “Next play is a 42-left. Wide receivers, go at least 5 yards deeper than you normally would before you break. I’ll pick whoever is open. It’ll be on your far shoulder, so no interception. On three, break!”I was 5 yards back of the center, in the shotgun. There were two backs, to block for me. I was watching over the other team. The way they were loading the line. “Red, 11! Kill, Kill! Red 35, Red 35, Hut-Hut-Hut!” The defense charged through the line with the blitz, which left our wide receiver. If you want to join feel free :) You are more than welcomeSomewhere on this Planet there was a deep Cave. Once it had been a natural Cave but millions of Dollars and years of Work had made it even bigger. Inside of this Cave there was a building that belonged to the most advanced in this World. It was shielded against most of the advanced Scanners and ancient Runes protected it against Magical Observation. There would only be a handful of Organisations or People who could find it. But to find.
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