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The longing within me grew fiercer. I started one of my favorite moves, picking a bit of skin around my clit and pinching it, rubbing it, wiggling it around. The slow fire burning within me grew hotter, fiercer. The tingling began, and I let out a soft moan. I knew I could bring myself to an orgasm right now, but despite my deep longing, I didn't want to. Not yet. Reluctantly, I withdrew my fingers from my pussy, letting the feeling fade. I left my chair and practically threw myself onto my. I think you know what to do from there.”Jessica leaned forward and unzipped Gabe’s pants, then reached inside and fished out his prick, which was already starting to grow from anticipation. She was a little surprised at how big it was….almost 9”….and he wasn’t even fully erect yet. She let it hang between his legs for a few seconds as she looked it over. It was pretty impressive….it stuck out from his hips with a bulbous tip that seemed to weigh it down….causing a smooth bend in the shaft so. This was for men who had trouble getting an erection. Usually a prescription for Viagra or Cialis took care of the problem, but not always. Then the doctor would turn me loose with the patient for the next round of treatments.After a lengthy consultation, I would have the patient partially disrobe. I would tell the patient it was up to him how comfortable he was with disrobing. Some would just pull their pants down to their thighs while others would completely remove their pants and underwear.. Clearly someone else was using this table as well, but she couldn't see anyone else around from her current angle.It was difficult, but the head of his cock finally entered her and she moaned slightly, enjoying the familiar feeling of being anally fucked by an unknown man. It was a very tight fit. Emily felt like her anus was being stretched out a lot. With each thrust, he got his penis slightly deeper into her ass, pulling her hair each time with the rhythm. Finally, she could feel his balls.
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