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Henry made all the girls in his class do all sorts of naughty and embarrassing things, including making one girl orgasm every time someone sneezed, making another girl, in addition to the rest of the school, believe that it was normal and acceptable to come to school naked, and even making one girl believe absolutely that when she walked into the school building, she was a male dog, even going a far as making her lift her leg to pee.In college, Henry was the life of all the parties on campus.. ”“Stacey, I find myself in a pickle here,” her hands moved up her calves then thighs, then under her shorts. “These two handsome guys here, they want to, well…”“That’s fine, they can both fuck me so they know I have nothing on you without incriminating myself,” Stacey blurted out, cocking her head with a smile that said, ‘I’m smarter than the average teen.'“Well, shit!” One of the guys laughed, “we were just asking her to do you while we watched and snapped a couple pics, like last time this. With that said I moved closer and kissed him again but this time more deeply and much longer.After a very long, tongues in mouth kiss, I could feel his cock getting hard between us. Again maybe to give him a sign of what I wanted I let out a few moans of my pleasure and took hold of his cock with my hand. I heard him place his glass on the counter than felt his hands running up my thighs, over my hips and around to my ass. His hands felt so good as he explored my body and with each heated. "H-Hal," she said, "I'm Kathy," and I noticed she stuttered a bit saying my name.They took my pint out of me a few minutes before Kathy's nurse said, "There, you're done now, that wasn't so bad, was it?" No, he ... Hal, helped me," and I knew she had remembered and appreciated the time I reached out to touch her arm a few minutes after they started drawing her blood."That music is beautiful," Kathy had said maybe a minute after I had touched her arm. It was the same FM station I had had driving.
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