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I reach in to kiss him because his tongue is so soft but he puts a finger up to my lips and quietly whispers “shhh”. His finger slowly tracks down my chin and under my chin, down to the nape of my neck, down further, between my breasts. He then runs his finger back up and across and brushed his hand across my now very firm nipples. I’m very much aware that I am breathing very deeply now, and I’m also very much aware that this is all so wrong. Very wrong.He puts both hands on my shoulders and he. As I walked to the ice machine retrieving a coke and ice for a late night drink , the husband came up beside and mentioned that he and his wife chose the old motel for the movies as this was their special night out ! He smiled and said why dont you join us for a drink once he found out I was from a city 300 miles away ! I had noticed his wife was very attractive and busty so I quickly said yes ! I ran to my room and quickly shaved and showered hoping for the evening to turn sexual as I have. The water spray brought me around once more.“This time we’ll try something different,” he said. “I’m not going to keep letting you escape into unconsciousness. That would be too easy, and wouldn’t give me what I need.”He rose to his feet and patted me on the head, smirking at me. “Let’s see if she really does mean nothing to you.”“Oh Charlotte,” he called out as he went to the door and opened it. He looked at me and giggled. “You’ve been a bad little goblin, Charlotte, so I’m going to have to. My lunch was normally a sandwich and a beer prepared by one of the factory ladies which I normally ate beside the machines that I was installing, there were a couple of people in the factory who could speak a few words of English but the company had got a young girl the daughter of one of the women in the factory who spoke good English to interpret for me, when working abroad I try to learn “please, thank you” and eat sleep and drink in the local language, my mistakes usually cause hysterics.
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