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Tamsin moved her hand down his body. He let out sigh from feeling her touch. With her fingers, she softly stroked his seven-inch penis. She lowered her mouth to his cock and slowly sucked him. He moaned while his hands ran through her hair. At the same time, she circled him with her tongue."Oh Tamsin, my sexy, sweet, soft Tamsin. Let me make love to you. I want you. I want to be inside you." Ralph loudly moaned.In an instant, she took his cock out of her mouth then looked up at his face and. Rachel kicked and struggled, she used the knife, she used her teeth. Her recent life seemed to be one defeat after another. But this time she would win. She would fight harder than ever before. She would not let them subdue her, then **** her. That’s what the young teenager thought anyhow. What happened was that she was pushed and carried down the hall to a small closet, stuffed into it then the door was locked. She slammed her body against the door several times, but it held. She was trapped.. Mom was all turned on by now, she laid dad back and came on top of him and inserted his dick I her pussy. Mom then started moving her ass. Dad took mom by her waist and then started bouncing her thoroughly. Mom came near dad’s face and then kissed him. Dad took mom’s boobs in his hand and started pressing it and fondle them, and then started fucking mom hard. Mom was screaming”aaaaaaah aaahhh aaaaah ummmmm aaahhhhh ummmmmmmmmmmm hmmmmmm aaaaaaa uhhhhhhhh ohhhh aaaaah aahha ahaha ummmm hmmmmm. She grabbed his hair and licked his tears from his face. Gianna took his cock in her hand started stroking it. His cock was rock hard, and throbbing. She squeezed his cock and fists his cock. Her tits were pressed against him. He felt himself about to cum. She stopped squeezing his balls. She bit his ear."No you don't faggot…your not cumming"He whimpered, which resulted in another hard slap, sending him on the ground. A fist hit his gut knocking the wind out of him."Kiss my feet" She SaidHe did.
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