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Her body bent forward, her left arm holding on to the side of the tub for support. As she bent, her ass cheeks parted inviting my tongue to caress the puckered muscle, when suddenly, her head threw back, her knees pulled together and buckled slightly and the ‘washing’ of her privates returned to a slow, steady pace.Her orgasm seemed so intense I thought I could share it from where I was standing and I envied her husband’s access to these treasures, their fullness, their feel, their taste, and. Seconds later Colette screamed out a wild orgasm squirted cum all over the Jacinto’s face. Don Jacinto enjoyed every minute of it. Soon the Jacinto licked Colette’s pussy juice off of his face. Colette quickly spit in the Jacinto’s face. Suddenly the Jacinto flipped Colette over and spanked her nicely huge fat ass ravagely. Colette was crying in pain as the Jacinto continue to spank her booty.Colette: PLEASE STOP!!!!! NO MORE!!!!! YOU’RE HURTING ME!!!! STOP!!!! OWWWWW (sobbing).Don. Each time his balls slapped his hand, a look of increased pleasure came across his face; a momentary vision of extreme pleasing pain. After what seemed like… forever, his breathing increased, he stroked faster and looked as if he was pulling his balls so hard he was going to pull them off. He stopped sucking and licking his cock as he started to use both hands to slide up and down his shaft. His moaning became louder, breathing was heavier and faster as he threw back his head and arched his. Mom and Auntie Karen are both 6'2" with huge breasts and long legs. I walked into the Den to see them watching some shemale porn together. I sat down across the room from there with trembling knees and tears running down my cheek on the right side. Mom said come and sit down next to us, so I crossed the room and sat between them they both kissed me on the cheek and said We have a confession honey.Timmy I'm not shocked that you wear my underwear I just wish you had told me.You see I guess I only.
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