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By the time Sophie had finished shaving Julie the other two women were in the classic sixty-nine position with Susan's head between Elizabeth's thighs and her fat pussy grinding down on her friend's active mouth.Elizabeth took particular pleasure from Susan, partly because she loved the soft clinginess of her corpulent body but mainly because she knew that she had been the first to show her friend the way that women could satisfy each other. She licked and sucked the pulpy softness pressed to. Once we get the horses taken care of there's some jerky we can eat. Now let me get Bo's saddle bags hoisted into the trees, then you can take care of his saddle and groom him while I do the same with Patches saddle bags."I take off Bo's saddle bags and it seems like he heaves a sigh of relief so I apologize, "Sorry Bo, but without Knacker you and Patches are forced to carry more."He nods his head and nickers and I scratch his neck. I pull all the gear we need tonight and then some out of the. I used my other hand to tease the bottom of my shaft. I sighed, then moved my first and to my shaft and started stroking with both hands. It wasnt long before I felt something boiling in my abdomen, and I had to lean back against the wall for support as my knees fluttered. My cock exploded in white juice like a fountain at Bellagio or Old Faithful. The first shot fired out of my cock, shooting as high as eye level. Some landed on my chest and began rolling down my tits, most hit the floor. The. "Write him back, right now. Tell him yes. I want that big dick in me."I was amazed at her level of excitement and more than a little humiliated. I instantly felt like a cuckold. That wave of lust and longing associated knowing she wanted another man. Knowing another man could please her in some way that I couldn't totally fulfill.I did as I was told and messaged him. We went back and forth with a few emails, but he realized he had a conflict over the weekend. He was excited though, and we made.
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