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'You'll be thrashed now. I will take pleasure in reducing you to tears, Witch 'A' will ensure your submission by further reducing you in preparation for defeat, Witch 'B' will confirm the total surrender of your will and cane the seed from you. You will be broken most thoroughly and will be made to beg for the shroud after punishment; the level of your submission will determine if you are worthy of that special ceremony at my house.' Arne delighted the women by whimpering through the gag as he. Colleen came over started sucking me like a champ giving the full head. After a minute she went over to Amanda and Elizabeth came over to me. Elizabeth said “naw I don’t wanna suck it I want you inside of me.” With that she hopped on my cock and started ridding like there was no tomorrow. I was so surprised at how tight she was and how good she felt. Amanda came over and sat on my face so I licked her pussy. Colleen not to be left out came over and bent over in front of Amanda so she was. Suddenly my cell phone rang. It was a text from Victor.I read it as my father in law went back to tonguing my horny pussy. I called him back and, trying to muffle my moans, I told him everything was fine at home. I grabbed Enrique's hair and pulled his face into my pussy, I was getting close to cum...Victor said what I would think about asking David over for dinner. I was so horny right then, talking with him while his father’s tongue was buried in me. I barely could tell him it was a good. Finally Jill said “Why are there only girls in the magazine?”, I piped up “I think men are in some, look it says there would be in the next issue” pointing to a preview page, laughing I added “you’ll will have to find the month that followed this one, if you want to see it” half joking. To my surprise she just “Cool” and got up. “I won’t be long”. Mary interrupted her “Jill be careful, your dad will ground you for a month if he catches you”, with a hint of genuine concern. But she just replied.
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