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She narrowed her eyes at seeing that smile, the ever- present smirk still there,taunting her. "I don't have time to play your games, I'm late as it is. There is nothing tosay. Leave me alone." She grabbed the paddle and headed up front to pay, leaving him standing therealone. She didn't turn to see if he was still there or if he had left. Shewas still fuming as she left the store with her purchase. She headed for thecar, searching in her purse for her keys. Looking up from her search, she saw. Dinner will be served in an hour. Will that be sufficient time to prepare?" She queried after curtsying. The tall, tanned man nodded. "That is quite sufficient, Lady Liana. How does your mother fare?" "Quite well, my lord. Do you require assistance in getting ready?" She always liked it when he came over. He was one of the better mannered men of the gentry. "I believe I will. Is Mara available? She gives the best...assistance." He gave a knowing wink at the young girl. He thought she. She felt amazingly tight. She was a very petite girl, but I had never expected it to be this tight. I watched as my cock slowly slid completely inside of her. She could take my full length, and she took it with pleasure. Once I was completely inside of her she let out a massive moan and began to grind her hips against mine. I met her grinding motion with a series of really hard thrusts that forced me even deeper into her. This caused her moan even louder.I latched onto her hips and. .........................................................................................................................................................................................Well, I awoke shortly before Jim did. I was lying there watching him sleep so calmly inhaling and exhaling air as he breathed, very slowly. And after what he had done for me by letting me get with Bruce, it made me realize how much I really did love him. He was laying on his back so I eased over and softly kissed.
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