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T.," the mansaid. Neither name rangany bells with me though I still couldn't stop feeling I knew their voices. I could hear eachperson in the room sipping their drinks and then Emma spoke again. "So, do youwant to show me how this thing works?" "I'd bedelighted to!" the anonymous young man said. I became instantlyanxious and turned my head this way and that to hear what was going on. "Here, usethis," Josh said. Before I had achance to say anything, a ball gag was pressed into my mouth. I had to ask him in English, but I used a few Hungarian words like paprikash, kolbas and hulka. He understood me well enough to smile and rub his stomach.I told him to come at two thirty, but then I changed my mind and told him I'd come and get him, because I wasn't sure about how long it would take my mother to make a nice Hungarian dinner for company. I went home when I got done with the windows, which Tibor insisted on helping me with. When my mother got home, half an hour later with Kate, I. Gently tugging your balls, tugging your meat, I lean closer, you feel my hot breath between your legs as I ask " does my baby want to cum " " God yes" you reply. "Does my baby have a big fuckin' load for me ?" " Fuck.. the biggest". Your knob is shiny with precum now. I kiss the very tip, As I look up at you, precum strings from my lips to your knob. I wink and press my lips to your cock head and slowly suck your knob clean of precum. Another kiss on your knob, then I apply a dob of warming K-Y. Back in the present, Nicole felt flush, but only slightly so. She wondered how she could have felt so differently about Jake back then. Now, it was Tom who she wished would meet her in some hotel room and fuck her brains out.She wondered at that too. Even before the affair, sex with her husband had become so inessential to her. Occasionally she'd look forward to it, but more often, it felt obligatory, perfunctory.But when Jake made me take his ... take him in my hand, that first time, it felt.
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