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Suddenly, the blonde bitch is on top, you’re lying prone on the table, and the woman in the gown is helping press your limbs into the shackles that wouldn’t close earlier. They close now, sealing you in. Your captor leans in: “Did you not understand the consequences? You have failed. So after this is done, balls are going to turn to mush.”“When this is done? You said this would end when I said so.”“Your test has ended. 9 hours, 10 minutes and a few seconds. A new record, but nowhere near. That felt wonderful. It was hot, hard, straining and smooth and it was was precisely what I needed!As I struggled for breath and tried desperately to stop the bucking, writhing movements of my body so Carey's lips touched mine, so her tongue ran along them and so they opened and surrounded mine. I was too far gone, too aroused and far too far into the ecstasy of this wonderful climax to query it. To wonder at it or to question the fact that our opened mouths were now grinding against each. While grace was telling me about him it occurred to me that I had never heard her mention any guys that she liked and I knew that she had no boyfriend. I didn't get a chance to ask her about it though because we were at our meet and since I was spending the weekend over at her house I figured I'd ask later.Our meet went really well and I won both of the events I competed in. the adrenaline from winning always makes me feel like I'm on top of the world. I was still feeling like this when we got. . could be a pub, hotel lobby followed very quickly towards a car park or front door, or could be house hallway.... visitor is ushered through to where owner wants them for the scene to continue...... now that takes some adrenalin-fuelled courage, but think of the natural high possible just as an opening gambit mmmh?.... attire is mutually admired... appearances weighed up and all boxes ticked.... confidence and all that anticipation beforehand fully met.... let the fun begin.... that first.
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