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“What brings you out tonight?” I asked.“You and I need to talk. I love my mother and I don’t want you to fuck things up for her,” he said.“Okay, I get that. You have made your feelings known. Now is there a threat that goes with that?”“Yeah, it’s better to happen now than later, so I brought you a video to watch tonight. I was seventeen when this was made. If you are going to have a problem. lets get it out now.” he said.“Do you want me to watch this?” I asked.“Not right now necessarily, but. My voice dropped from the sexy female voice back to my normal voice. My breasts began to shrink and I quickly removed my blouse and my bra. I watched them shrink to nothing and my nipples return to normal. The makeup on my face faded away and my facial hair returned. My lips returned to normal. My hair shortened back to my normal length and returned to brown. My nails retracted back in.I was once again myself, but I was now faced with a dilemma. I had to get out of the women's bathroom and. Angela had a pained look on her face as Eric’s mouth took her over the edge. ‘OH, ERIC! YOU’RE SO GOOD. I’M GLAD YOUR’RE MINE. OOH! OH, SHIT! I’M GONNA COME!’ Angela’s body rocked once, then twice. She lifted a little, a look of surprise on her face, then dropped down and screamed as her orgasm hit. This made Eric buck his hips hard, driving his cock all the way in to Sherry, pushing past her cervix and into her uterus. Sherry screamed as the pain of that push sent her over the edge. ‘FUCK MY. This all good but the first time it was her turn she freaked out till she tried the taste the smell and the power the one doing the eating has was so good to her to have control bring Kat close but not over the brink then changing the method was so cool to her. the thrill of hearing someone beg for release was such a turn-on. After 10 months her hubby and even k**s gave her shit about the time she spent away from home but to her it was like having her cake and eating it too and she loved it. .
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