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It craved to be completely at the mercy of humiliating and insulting Black Mistresses or Masters, and anticipated to be put at the disposal of Black Shemales and Black Gangs as a worthless, piss-drinking and asshole-licking white female or sissy whore and slave bitch.Again and again, it uploaded its fantasies and stories to Yahoo Groups, FetLife, and Tumblr, or to sites featuring Superior Black dominants and inferior white submissives. The white slave hoped that a Black Mistress or Master would. Just like the song.”Maia inched closer to me and asked, “Is that an invitation for me to chase the moonlight with you?”“You know the song? I'm impressed. It was released more than a decade before you were born,” I replied.“I love to dance too. Just like the cinnamon girl in the song. Answer my question, Gil. Do you want to chase the moonlight with me?” Maia coyly repeated her question.“As much as I love those lyrics of the song, I'd rather chase after the cinnamon girl under the moonlight.. I’m seeing her again. I’m really nervous about the whole thing. But that medicine makes me feel like I’m top of the world. It takes me away from all of my little hang-ups. I can’t describe how good it felt – to be an actual human being again. I want some more as we speak.”“Stay away from that shit, Reggie. And stay away from her.”“We’re going out again tonight. We’re going to do the same thing over again.”“What about Wonder?”“Wonder?”“Yeah. You guys still getting married?”“We come from. .. but..." I imagine the newspapers, as well as the Dean of the college, will be interested that not only is Professor Paul Terrance fucking his student, but she turns out to be Black AND a prostitute!"She couldn't believe what she was hearing."Do those two things and when I'm through with you, the tape is yours."Her mind tried to function, find alternatives."Isn't there anything else I could... ?" Take it or leave it. After all, it was your idea to work out a deal for the tape." Something.
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