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You'd think a man in his position could afford the finestvintages, but Alex seemed to have a taste for peasant swill."By your leave, Majesty," Troy bowed before gathering his shirt andcoat. Neither of the royals paid him any mind, but the two guards at thedoor raised their halberds in salute."Good sparring, Troy," Gray said in passing. For all his taunting, herelied on the knight for more than practice. They drank together. Theychased wenches together. And there was no one with whom he'd rather. He'd taken a couple of steps away from the booth when my brain unfroze enough to start working and I told him he could check it out if he wanted. It sounded totally dumb as soon the words started coming out of my mouth but he said OK and he did.He was all set to leave when I jumped him. I'd never done anything like this before but I couldn't let him just walk away from me. I held on tight, rubbing his back and his butt while I gave him the best kiss I knew how. He kissed me back and ended up. There was a guy standing by one of the cameras holding a sign.The sign said, “Don’t bring down our servers.”Dexter grinned.“I promise I won’t bring down your servers today.”“Thank you,” Phil said, irritated by another distraction. “I’m sure our IT folks appreciate that.”“Is that one of them over there?”“Yes.”Dexter gave a thumbs up to the guy with the sign.He shouted, “I won’t bring down your servers, today.”“Thank you!”“You’re welcome.”Trying to get control over the interview, Phil said, “I. The answer was short: 'Yes!''Have you got any more videos?', I asked. 'Yes, but I don't think you are interested in me taking a shower'. To the contrary, I was, so I asked you to send me the video with you taking a shower.This video arrived after some time and in the meantime the tension had built up in my body (i.e. my dick). The shower video was a beauty: water finding its way over your beautiful body, flowing to the floor thanks to gravity. Wow!Your hands moved over your body and you gently.
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