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.. my.... god....!The office was enormous! It contained a sitting room, a conferencearea, a huge desk at one end. It was all modern and white with sleeklines and scan-designed furniture from modern designers. In one cornerwas a dark bronze sculpture of a young ballet student by Degas. Inanother corner was a granite sculpture on a large pedestal shaped likea large penis (I would later learn it was 'Princess X' by Brancusi,intended to be a representation of Marie Bonaparte).I stood just inside. As she took the tea into the living room she was still thinking about Alyssa. Even though it was only a kiss on the cheek, there was something about it that made Penny think it was intended to suggest more. Penny’s vision of the night before came back to her. The image of Alyssa’s full red lips pressing into her body had come from nowhere then. Now Penny turned it over in her mind. Slowly a tension built in Penny, which she gradually realized was sexual excitement. Putting her teacup down on a. I knew what this meant, and the idea of having a maninside me was an insult to everything I was, or had been, but my cravingwas deep. The yearning was animal. I needed to escape from the tortureof my inner experience and with trepidation I took the hands off myeyes.I saw his feet, his boots, right in front of me. No thoughts passedthrough my mind, I just slowly looked higher. It was wonderful how hisstylishly patterned leather pants fitted tightly around his muscularlegs. I was horrified by how. It leaked from her holes.It watched her shoulders heave, catching her breath. It's spunk leaked from her sexy tight holes and slid down her beautiful legs. It worked hard on this sexy little bitch. Now it was feeling fairly hungry. It knew how these little slits loved to be eaten, just maybe not the way she would think.It lifted her high and opened its rank maw wide as it folded her legs in. She looked down in horror, watching as she got lowered. The tentacles wrapped around her legs and back.
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