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He loved the feel of her wet tight cunt as he sunk his meat into her. He moaned "That's it baby. Take that big dick. You are going to learn to love fucking and I will fuck you all you want. You feel so good." He soon had his cock deep in her and was humping her wet hole hard and deep. In the next two years the doc fucked Sara constantly. He loved that her tits grew to DD. He liked her naked and willing. She was a great cock sucker too. She could suck and swallow better than any whore he had. They sit for a while, and then the blonde leans over to whisper in the ear of her friend. Then she says,“Hey Mister, would you mind if we took off our towels? It is awfully warm in here!” Asks the blonde, who is obviously the bolder of the two.What can he say? What should he say? He really would like to see what they have underneath the fluffy white towels.“That is fine by me.” He responds.So they both stand up, untuck the folds at the top of their towels that are holding them in place just. He strokes me with the other hand, trailing it down my back, over my hips, and down to my pussy.He gently strokes the soft bare lips. He teases my clit with his thumb while letting his fingers slide along my slit. A slow heat blooms in my pussy and spreads throughout my body.I arch against him and feel his cock hardening against my leg. I alternate between clinging to him and running my hands up and down his back and into his hair. He is still breathing into my neck and now, we are both. I pulled my top back on and straightened my cum soaked skirt. George walked me a little further through the village huts and away from the hotel. I could feel all the men's spunk pouring down my legs, running down my inner thighs and calves, and down onto my ankles and bare feet. I had lost my shoes in the barn. I was still very drunk and shaky from that unbelievable sexual experience. The tribesmen followed along behind us. We entered a long hut. It was quite dark inside and I could barely.
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