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One she recognized as Tex but the other two she assumed weremembers of Ericka's family."Hey babe!" Tex lifting his girlfriend off the ground giving her a bigkiss " I missed you!" Hey boy, get your hands off my little girl!" the big man said in amocking tone play fully slapping Tex on the back"Dad!!!" said Ericka hugging the bigger guy " Dad? This is our friendKelly Daniels. Kelly this my dad" Jake. It's a pleasure to meet you, Kelly" the said bigger man holdingout his hand warmly. Despite his. I played with his balls while I swallowed all his cum. I told him how good he tasted. I kept playing with his balls and jerking his thick cock. He stayed hard so I put my mouth back on his cock. I moved my mouth down to his base and he moaned. I heard someone walk up and I was worried I wasn't going to get anymore of his cum. Then I heard his sister say that's it baby b*o give him your cock, give it to him good, now I was really turned on so I pulled the front of my pants down and started. ”I didn’t have to be told again as I savagely drove mytongue up her ass and began to spank her ass.“That’s it BITCH, slap my ass, treat me like a whore.”This made me slap her even harder until she hadanother massive orgasm. We finally stopped to rest andI asked Nat and RJ if they were enjoying the show,which they both acknowledged was very erotic.“Now my little slut, it’s time to prepare your cunt toreceive Nat’s cock, roll over and spread your. Gail’s arm was positioned just right, giving Sarah enough room to easily push Gail’s fingers in and out of her pussy. Pausing, Sarah went over to her backpack and pulled out her camera and took a few pictures of Gail masturbating herself. Sarah motioned for Ginny to get on the bed and straddle Gail’s head, but said not to get too close. Sarah and Mary helped Ginny on to the bed and helped lift her in to place so as not disturb the sleeping Gail. Everything was positioned so that it looked as.
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