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I eased Ed (plopped is probably more accurate) and climbed on to the arm of the sofa. Looking around, it dawned on me that we were the only boys here. Literally every person dancing was female. ?Is your friend okay?? the woman, bending over me asked. She had nowhere to sit and she stood nearly a foot taller than me so she bent down to get her face near mine. I resisted the urge to look down her low cut purple tee and looked into her eyes.?He?s fine. He?s just a pussy.?She looked a little. His cock would have stretched my vagina, but I was already resized at the book store. George does have a nice cock. I felt his cock swell, then the throbbing began and he filled me with his cum. As we laid still and his cock began to soften, he asked, “Do you find black men handsome?” I didn’t expect that question and I asked, “What do you mean?” He then asked, “Do you think it’s true what ‘they’ say, that black men have big cocks?” I began to laugh and said, “I don’t know, I haven’t seen. Pain and pleasure that will end in massive orgasms, but only if she is good, only if she does exactly what he asks. She has absolute trust in him, and has given him her body to pleasure. She wants to be possessed absolutely by him. Her pussy is getting wetter by the second. She can feel the moisture dripping down her leg and she can smell her own arousal. He pinches her nipples again pulling and twisting as he does. She moans softly, ‘Oh my god.’ So softly that he is not sure what he heard but. But the movement catches my eye, and I see Jake, my ex boyfriend standing there, all smug. This makes my breath catch. Months ago, I had been devastated by his putting me out of his life. I close my eyes and try to take a cleansing breath. My heart rate is elevated. I can’t seem to get him out of my thoughts. But when I look around, I catch Kim wearing my collar and it helps me to focus.After gathering my thoughts, I flail the whip and judge my distance. I start with a strip across Mark’s upper.
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