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At least, I hope I sounded impatient. My mind raced as I descended the stairs. Why was Lacey dressed so beautifully? She usually only wore a T-shirt and jeans, sneakers or those boots. Even when she dressed down, I had a hard time keeping my jeans loose fitting. Now? I hoped wherever the hell we were going, I’d be able to sit down behind something. Having reached the kitchen, I grabbed my keys and headed for the back door, then locked up behind us as we left. I opened the passenger door of my. But honestly, I was just teasing. I love having sex with you every time we do it. I always do." Well sometimes people don't always say what they mean and try to let it out by teasing or in other ways. It sounded to me like one of those kinds of things. Like maybe you were getting tired of having sex so often." MATTHEW... please... I was just teasing. I think our sex life is great. What's bothering you anyway?"Her voice betrayed a bit of anger, yet her face showed concern."I guess maybe. Time literally slows down. When they say life flashes before your eyes before you die, my whole life, I lived it over again, every moment, in the space of a second. Time slowed to a crawl as the headlights beamed at us like some hideous monster bearing down, bringing our fate with it. It hit the side of the car, slowly crushing the metal inwards, I heard a long drawn out scream. Time suddenly sped up again as my head was whipped around, head butting Nathan in the opposite seat, then my. They walk in, shove their cock in my mouth or fuck me and leave. One stud I service regularly actually texted me the first time after he got my number from someone and asked if I was available. I texted that I was and he showed up, shoved me to my knees, and jammed his dick in my mouth until he got off. He left without a word. Now, he just texts the words "you ready, faggot?" If I am, he walks in a few minutes later and just uses me better than any other guy on my phone. I have yet to ever.
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