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I suppose I might have fainted right then and there, so I would take any victory I could get, no matter how small. ‘Would you like a dance?’ Her voice was deep, not like the fake syrupy sweet Barbies strutting around the club, it was jazz deep, smoke in a bottle, sex distilled. I nodded, another small victory, and she took my hand. It was at this point that I realized she’d never disrobed on stage, that one of the things that had struck me about her was that she hadn’t actually stripped, it had. "*"Uh," I said, glancing at Kira as we stood before the far wall, "There's no door."She tilted her head to one side to look at me. "Take my hand, Harry," she told me, "And imagine that there is."Imagine that there's a door? An imaginary door to another time. I closed my eyes and heard that soft beep from that thing behind my right ear. When I opened them again a door had appeared right in front of us to reveal what looked like a long white corridor which ended with another white wall.Kira. I'll look for you around 7PM." Good, see you then," he agreed."Don't come without your deposit." I said it to remind him that it was all about the money. I didn't consider that there was any art at all in what I would be doing that evening. Julie picked up Angelina right on time, so I had a couple of hours at least before they showed up. I spent the time in the studio.It never hurt to check things one more time. The camera was ready, it turned on and booted up as it should. The computer did the. I said, "You are gonna watch me have fun, and if you move or try to touch me, I will walk the fuck out. Is that understood?" He didn't dare speak so he just nodded. I went and got my vibrator and my biggest dildo. I stood in front of him and slowly undressed. I slid my hand over my tits, and rubbed my nipples till they were hard as diamonds. I pinched them, and looked into his eyes letting him see how much I liked it. I slid my skirt down, and he saw I was wearing the garter and stockings he.
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