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How do you want to resolve the jewelry issue?” With laughter and hugs all around, Laura announced that she would wear Dan’s wedding ring and Greg’s ruby on her left hand and her engagement ring on her right. Each man would decorate her body with the other jewelry she would wear. Dan was satisfied with the compromise, and they dropped Artsy at her home before going home themselves. Laura fucked Portrait twice the day before the event, and once Saturday afternoon. Greg discovered her successful. She rocked me harder then a Metallica concert with that hit, and I crumbled to the ground like a sand castle that an ocean wave crashed into. I was kind of asking for it, I mean, I grabbed her boob in public. Luckily no one saw us, and I can only imagine what’d she do if someone did. I’d probably dig my own grave before she beat me to death and dropped me inside. With an enormous migraine, and my vision starting to blur, I sat on the ground half dead as Izzy stormed out of the hallway muttering. She felt nervous and exposed, her rear open and available... for what... She sensed movement from the bathroom a low glow of light in the gloom. She jumped as a camera flash suddenly, but briefly lit the room. She just had time to take in the handcuffs, rope and riding crop lay on the bed before a deeper darkness returned. Her breathing became shorter and shallower as the movement behind her came closer. She screwed up her eyes and pushed her sweat covered brow deeper into the pillow afraid of. "Were you a good girl when I was away?" he continued on, moving his hands up to my hair.I nodded and rolled my head so he could have easier access to my pony tail. "Did you touch your pussy at all when I was gone?"Josh asked me tightening his grip on my long, blond hair. I swallowed quickly, I knew he didn't like when I touched myself without his permission but he also didn't like when I lied. I chose the lesser of the two evils and I gulped and nodded again, admitting that I had disobeyed.
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