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Brightand early Tim was back in the doctor's office."Well, we can do it, we'll have to do a mastectomy now, there's too muchdevelopment to hide. We'll have to resculpt the areolae and nipple areaas well," the doctor said. "I can check you into the hospital today." Fine. Whatever it takes," Tim said. His satisfaction growing at hiswishes were being complied with. He'd still play the game with Richard,for awhile anyway and do what he was asked, he'd model the clothes andlook good, he'd just. Disappoint me and when it's my turn to have some fun with you, I'll shove this baton up your twat instead of my dick." For emphasis, he reached down and ran the smooth black wood between my legs. "Believe me, you don't want this baby up your fuckhole."I shuddered, still in a state of shock, but terried he'd carry out his threat to rape me with the baton, or even, GOd forbid, ship me off to some prison to be gangraped every day. I opened my mouth and he shoved himself in. and out as if he were. "I'm sure you could suck dick all day long, but it's my turn now and I want your pussy." She tottered behind him as he led her to the side of the van. Her naked thighs, breasts, ass, and pussy glistened with a veneer of sweat from her exertions; getting fucked five times in a night was tiring, and the group of guys watched her every move like hawks. Edwin pushed her up against the van and threaded the leash through the luggage rack on top. When he tugged on the end of the leash she was pulled. Her remote was her only adornment, and she could feel its light pressure as it rested in its usual place between her breasts, shifting slightly with each automatic breath she took to appear more real.Her breasts weighed heavy and tight on her chest. They had been one thing Darlene had planned to change after her conversations with Lady Heather. Now as a gentle breeze wafted through the room she felt them tingle. Without any other touch on her body, she felt her nipples rising and hardening,.
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