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. . Fingers of my other hand caress your legs, and inner thighs, then join the lips that are kissing you, where pleasure can be risen to it's peeks, so you push with your bum even more towards me, while my agile fingers vanish deep in you, while that petal of desire is electrified by my tongues lashes . . . . . . I am not letting go, as then I gently bite your soft skin on the bum, just to hear you whisper between deep breaths . . . .“Don't stop, don't . . . “ Unable to finish your sentence cos. I let her think that she made all of the decisions that brought her there. And that was the truth, because I had never invited her in, and was truly unaware of the attraction she had for me. I asked her if she was still a virgin. She told me that she had made out with some boys and even let one boy suck on her nipples. She rubbed his penis through his jeans and she thought that would be the night, but suddenly he stopped, and she noticed a big wet spot on his jeans. She was confused because he. Her orgasm took her by surprise. Everything had been so perfectly overwhelming that she hadn’t noticed it building. It was like a dam bursting without warning. She only had time to gasp, the scream never leaving her lungs before she lost track of everything but overwhelming pleasure. His whole body clenched, his own orgasm simultaneous with hers. He did not stop though. His sole focus was on her pleasure and he maintained the nearly cruel hammering of his hips, driving his manhood into her. ” rohit how will it fit in my pussy”.” it ll definately fit in your mouth.” I said. She took my dick and started licking it taking it deep all inside her mouth. Her lips were playing with my glans penis . She was sucking at the same time stroking it up and down. My eyes rolled back in pleasure and I left a long moan and held her head and pushed my penis deep into her throat and all of my cum had now released into her mouth. As I got my penis out I could see her choking already.Her mouth was.
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